Shapes are another fundamental element in graphic designing. Typically shapes are two dimensional having length and width. They relate to the figures and structures which are geometric, organic, or abstract making up the various elements in design.
Importance of Shapes in Design
Shapes as an element of design usually add interest to a piece of art whether in a document or an image. Generally shapes are illustrated by boundaries, such as color or line, and are frequently used to emphasize particular part of the page. Now let’s see how shapes help the designers or graphic artist to create creative layouts or images.
- Shapes help the designers to separate & connect information in a visually appealing and organized manner
- Shapes help the graphic designers in representing different ideas
- It adds texture, rhythm, depth and movement to our designs
- Help in expressing different points and areas of interest
- Help in distinguishing different elements of design
Types of Shapes

1. Geometric Shapes
These shapes are like circles, squares, and triangles have notable meanings that characterize the graphic design. Circles represent infiniteness as they have no starting or end. They similarly represent free movement, but at the same time are broadly used to secure and restrict.
Rectangles and Squares represent honesty, stability, equity & security, in addition to other things. However because of their familiarity, they’re not used to grab the attention. Triangles advocate action, movement, aggression and tension. They mean solidity when existing on their base and instability when not.
2. Organic/ Natural Shapes
There are 2 types of organic shapes.
- Regular
- Irregular
Regular Shapes
These are take the form of those naturally or regularly available in the environment, such as flying creatures, trees, rivers or streams. When applied in graphic design, natural shapes are interesting and topical. A basic shape such as a square or a round can become more dramatic if they were enhanced with flowers or leaves.

Irregular Shapes
These are not fixed in terms of any angle, side, and size. These shapes can have size and angle of any length and size. Theses shapes are very useful to create something that offers innovativity, contrast, and randomness in a design.
3. Abstract Shapes

These shapes (often referred to as conceptual shapes), despite of being designed in bizarre language, is universally acceptable by the audience. This is on account of abstract shapes are moulded or styled with the rational of simplifying regular (natural) shapes. Graphic design is never without the vicinity of abstract shapes, which can undoubtedly be seen in restrooms, vehicles, websites, escalators, etc. Examples of abstract shape are those icons that show people with disability, male & female.
At a point when utilized appropriately, shapes can effectively make an extraordinary and powerful graphic design. The disposition and message of the design may be improved by modifying its shape regarding its structure, size or shade. Shapes may be delicate, curved, bended, sharp, and each one passes on an alternate type of feeling or mood. They may be utilized in several ways, for example, to arrange, associate or separate elements and substance. Shapes also concept, rhythm, add depth or texture, and a great deal more.
Creation of shapes with the help of modern graphic designing tool has become quite faster & easier these days. Now designers can easily, change and alter designs through the application of graphic designing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and so on. Such applications allow designers make and manipulate simple as well as complex shapes with mere a click & drag of the mouse. Furthermore the shades, patterns, textures, & opacity of the shapes can easily be transformed in order to get the desired results.
If you want to get mastery over graphic design or want to pursue a career in graphic designing, then Graphic Design Institute is the right destination for you. The faculty over here is highly experienced and imparts intense practical training to its students.
We know this article is not explaining completely this topic so our team have created a nice presentation on Shapes and Line in Graphic Design for you on slideshare. Please click on the previous given link to read more.
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