Page layout or page composition is the methodology of setting, organizing and rearranging text and other designing elements on the page. A good composition is one that is visually satisfying as well as effectively conveys the message of the text and graphics to the target audience. There are few true and tried elements of page composition that can help to create an effective layout. Following are some tips for page lay-outing or page composition. Hope you find them useful while composing a page. Also you may recognize that following page composition tips are nearly linked to the principles of design.
1. Align Elements with Each Other or a Grid

Place each text or graphic component on the page so that they have a visual association with one other. You can utilize vertical or horizontal or vertical alignment, align objects along the same edge or medial them. No doubt it will work however for complex layouts, a grid is useful. This one composition tip alone can
incredibly enhance the composition of a page as our eyes and brains desire an assertive amount of order and consistency.
2. Select a Single Visual or Create Strong Visual Connections

One of the elementary and perhaps the most effective layouts use is one strong visual. But, if utilizing multiple images, keep them associated both through arrangement and proximity — gathering the pictures so they structure a single visual unit and adjusting (aligning) them in a similar fashion.
3. Maintain Balance Between Even & Odd Elements

Maintaining correct balance is all about the number of text & graphics elements and how they are arranged on the page. Use of even elements (such as two or four columns or a block of 4 pictures) or Symmetrical balance largely delivers a formal and more static layout. However odd numbers tend to create a more dynamic layout or an asymmetrical arrangement of elements.
4. Always Divide the Page into Thirds

Related to balance, the rule of thirds proposes that a visually appealing composition is possible if you place graphics and text can be placed using one of following guidelines:
1. Most essential elements should be spaced more while less evenly should be within horizontal or vertical thirds.
2. Most essential elements should be packed in the lower or upper third of the page.
3. Most essential elements are centered on one of the points where lines cross after visually segregating the page into thirds vertically and horizontally.
5. Add White Space in the Right Place

Empty spaces are equally important as the graphics and text on the page. Stuffing too much on the page regardless of the possibilities it is perfectly aligned, balanced and falls inside the principle of thirds can ruin the page composition. The page needs to be visually spaced. The best place for white space is around the margins of the page (edges) and the margins of
graphic or text elements so it doesn’t get cornered in the middle of the page however increased line, paragraph, line, & letter spacing can likewise enhance a layout.
6. Try to use two or more of the same design element

Repetition refers to consistent use of alignment for example, using the same colors for related items, using the same style or size of graphics, or basically placing the page numbers in the same spot all through a piece of design or art.
It will help your reader to maintain the interest while he/ she reading it. It helps to maintain a connection of elements or I can say it provides a smooth flow among all the elements available on the page.
7. Emphasize Differences between Elements of Design

It’s generally observed that few aspects of page composition include things that are same like alignment and persistent use of color. However putting emphasizes in between of the text or to do something differently or sometimes using contrasting element including alignment & color could be a better idea. This leads to more effective page layout. For example: keeping the
font size or typeface of the headline a great deal bigger from rest of the text or utilizing different color of text for images, captions, page numbers, so on…