Whether you are creating something in graphics or writing a content, the first thing that attracts a reader is font. Fonts make typography vital part of every design as well as content. It helps in preserving the artistic value of the design or content. This makes the proper use of right typeface as well as font mandatory. So, here are the top beautiful font combinations that you need to your next project.
Don’t get confuse between fonts and typeface
Many may get confuse between the terms fonts and typeface. They both are way different from each other and cannot be used interchangeably in any case.
- TYPEFACE is a set of letters of a particular design which has the following variations such as bold, extra bold, regular, italic, extended, light, light italic, black etc. Whereas, FONT is of a specific size, weight as well as style of a whole set of typeface.
To combine different fonts together is an art which comes with practice. If you will get sense of typography then your designs, posters, flyers, websites will become interactive as well as dynamic by themselves.
To make it easy for you, here are,
Some tips and tricks to choose the right font
1.) Look for complementing fonts or one with contrast
If you are a beginner, choose the fonts that complement each other in a away that they catch the attention of the viewer.
- It should not be conflicting one. Conflict happens usually when we use similar fonts.
- When two fonts of equal intensity are used then they often put your design in the opposite directions.
The golden rule to design is font should complement as well as contrast but do not dare to conflict
Should belong to the same family
So, here comes the best tip and trick for the newbie’s that guarantees to be the simplest and safest way of selecting fonts for any your designs.
When we use same fonts they belong to their super families which is done on the basis fo various weights, styles as well as classifications.
For better clarity lest see an example –
Roboto font has the following super families such as Roboto Thin 100, Roboto Light, Roboto Italic, Roboto Medium, Roboto Black, Roboto Black Italic.
Similarly, Lora has following super families such as Lora Medium, Lora Medium Italic, Lora Semi-bold, Lora Bold Italic.
Any of these when combined together will do wonders.
- Opposites attract each other
Think of you colors such as Dark orange and Dark Red if both are used together on a design then will produce a conflict.Contrast if done in a right manner will help in highlighting the part that is more important to bring attention to.
The classical way to do this is by combining serif as well as sans serif font together.
Where serifs are the old as well as traditional fonts with strokes for example Bevan Font.
Whereas sans serif fonts are modern as well as sophisticated fonts that do not have strokes. For example Oxygen font
- Who’s the head?
Now here comes the vital thing when combining the two different fonts. The viewer should be able to identify the important part in one go and should be able to read that. - Everything should be prominent as well as highlighted.
- This is done by changing the size as well as weight of every typeface.
- Such as try combining Montserrat, 80pt, uppercase bold with classy one such as Lora of size 72pt and in lowercase italics.

Here are,
10 Beautiful Combinations For All Your Design Needs –
1. Lora as well as Merriweather

Both are strong fonts but still pairs perfectly.
Lora is a font designed by cyreal. It is very balanced as well as contemporary serif oe. It offered contrast moderately. It leaves its footprint when used in paragraphs. The whole set of this font shows modern times. It is perfect to use it on websites as well as in printing media as well.
Merriweather is a font which is designed by Eben Sorkin whose forte is to design type designs, different types role in documents, UI as well as UX and in knowing how will science use these type designs.
2. Rubik and Karla

Lets know about Rubik first, it is the font which was designed with a goal to get something well oriented as well as designed for the use in landing pages of the websites. It is designed by Philipp Hubert and Sebastian Fischer in Berlin as well as New York int he year 1974. It was commissioned by Google to be used in a Rubik’s Cube Exhibition that why it was named as Rubik. It is a perfect font with balanced corners as well as low strokes with better understanding of space as well as 3D. It consists of total five weights for free.
Karla is a sans serif typeface which uses latin script as well as Tamil script as its design base. It belongs to groteesque typeface. This is the Latin Script with a hint of Roman as well as Italic styles. It is available in 2 weights i.e., regular as well as bold.
3. Asap and Asap

Asap a font which is designed in a standardised manner with characters of standard width which prevents the overflow and keep it balanced. This simply means that the length of the lines does not get disturbed. This is of great use when we want to change the type of the style. It is available in four styles namely – Regular, Italic, Bold as well as Bold Italic. It was designed by Pablo Cosgaya and its full form is as soon as possible (Asap).
4. Domine and Roboto

Google came up with a special font for mobiles as well as android OS i.e., Roboto, in the year 2011. It was first used in android 40 i.e., Ice Cream Sandwich and then to Android 5.0 i.e. Lollipop. It is sans serif font. It is licensed by Apache. It was developed by Christian Robertson. It has its three derivatives as well as namely, Roboto Slab, Roboto Mono and Heebo.
Domine is slab serif font which is designed by Pablo Impallari int he year 2012. Its exclusive feature is the teardrop terminals which gives the feel of two fonts i.e., Clarendon as well as ITC Clearface. It is suitable for the areas where you just need simple text as its Italic variant is not available.
5. Spectral and Karla

Spectral is a versatile font which is though new but has won hearts. It is available in seven weights which are of Roman as well as Italics and with small caps. It is perfect to be used in designing as well as for computer screen s as well. It is designed by Production type. It is free to be used on various google platforms such as google sheets, docs etc.
Karla has already been discussed before.
6. Lora and Roboto

Combination of Lora as well as Roboto is classy as well as both are modern fonts. They both attract user. The details of both have been discussed above.
7. Montserrat and Source Sans Pro

Monteserrat is a geometric font with no strokes at the end i.e., it is sans serif. It is designed by very talented Argentinean designer whose name is Julieta Ulanovsky. Thought of making this typeface came from her historical Buenos Aires neighbourhood which had same name as the font. It is close Gotham as well as Proxima Nova. It two letters i.e. G and J makes it exclusive and different.
Here is another sans serif yet modern world font, Source Sans Pro created by Paul D in the year 2012. It is founded by Adobe and licensed by SIL Open Font License. It has been designed with an inspiration from Franklin Gothic as well as New Gothic font.
8. Raleway and Raleway

If you are looking for an elegant sans serif font family, then Raleway should be the first choice. It is designed initially by Matt Mclnerney in only thin weight. Then it was expanded to family with 9 weights by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo and then it was iKerned by Igino Marini. It also has a derivative i.e. Raleway Dots. It has various things to download such as old styles as well as lining numerical, discretionary ligatures, sets of diacritics as well as stylistic. It has following weights Thin, Thin italics, Extralight, Light, Medium, Semi bold, bold, black etc.
9. Domine and Open Sans

Domine font has been discussed before. Nowly lets know about Open Sans.
Looking for humanist font i.e. also sans serif? Then Open Sans will serve your purpose. It is designed by Steve Matteson and then was commissioned by Google in the year 2011. Its designed was inspired by Droid Sans. It plays a fair deal even on small screen and do not disappoints the viewer. It is been used on billions of websites. Not only this Mozilla which is a re-known free software company used it as default font until last year i.e. 2019.
10. Quicksand and EB Garamond

Quicksand is a open as well as sans serif font which is widely used because of its friendly as well as warm font. This is because of its rounded letterforms. It is available in three forms i.e., light, normal as well as bold. Though italic font is not there in this type. It is designed Andrew Paglinawan in the year 2008. It is also a geometric font. Then it was improvised in the year 2016 by Thomas Jockin. And recently in the year 2019 it was converted into some other font.
EB Garamond which is also named as Egenoff Berner Garamond is an open source as well as Serif font. It is designed by Claude Garamont in the year 2011 and has been recently updated in the year 2017.
So, these are the some beautiful as well as perfectly paired fonts. To learn more about fonts, typefaces as well as typography join the best visual grammar institute such as Graphic Design Institute, as we have professionals to guide you the best about these in the form of our graphic designing courses in Delhi.
Frequently asked questions related to typography
Que 1 – What is the purpose of typography?
Ans 1 – Typography came into existence to make it easy as well as comfortable for the users to read the text that is being used at different places. Not only it is also used to make better engagement, branding, promotions as well as much better user experience.
Que 2 – What is the top fonts for the website?
Ans 2 – Here is the list of top fonts for the website –
- Arial
- Roboto
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Georgia
- Courier New
and many more fonts are there.
Que 3 – What are the different types of typefaces?
Ans 3 – There are basically five types of typefaces namely, serif, sans serif, script, monospace as well as display. Where the typeface used for body as well as heading is serif as well as sans serif. Those which are just used for headlines are script as well as display as they are more bold ones.
Que 4 – What are the skills needs for typography?
Ans 4 – To be a typographist one should have clear understanding of how serif as well as sans serif fonts are different from eachother, which kind of typefaces should be used in headlines as well as in body of the content, which can be used in what kind of design as well as websites and many more.
Que 5 – Who invented typography?
Ans 5 – First typography was invented in China by Bi Sheng in 11th Century in Song Dynasty. It was movable type which was manufactures from ceramic materials as well as clay was used there until Qing Dynasty.