Graphic design and desktop publishing are often utilized mutually nevertheless they are, in fact quite different. To understand the in-depth difference between graphic design and desktop publishing, it’s better to join desktop publishing institutes for pursuing a graphic designing course or desktop publishing course.
Let’s Have a Look at What Graphic Design is All About

Graphic design has to do with solving communication barriers by means of visual representation. Where there is idea clearness, you’ll reach the value of communication solutions. Graphic design consists of an imaginative method that is established to achieve specific objectives by means of making use of pictures, symbols or probably words. It will make use of your imaginative creativity with numerous graphic elements and tools that are used to narrate a tale.
Graphic designers are responsible for integrating text along with photos for creating powerful messages which can be conveyed through numerous means like brochures, logo designs, newsletters, posters, signage, website design, e-mail campaigns, ads and much more.
Let’s have a Look at What Desktop Publishing is all About

It is a term which became prevalent after the discovery of a software application that is mainly used to incorporate and repositioning of text and images while creating digital files. Before the desktop publishing software program was invented, the jobs related to desktop publishing were done by hand by a group of different individuals. It was including tasks such as typesetting, layout pages, and multiple documents along with a lot of various other pre-press tasks. It consists of a process where existing design template or document would be edited and text and images are repositioned within a file to convey a message.
Switch to Clarity from Confusion

Graphic design and desktop publishing are linked together most of the times, mainly because the desktop publishing job is done by those individuals that do not have an art directors background. Not every desktop publisher is a graphic designer and vice versa, but sometimes a lot of graphic designers can take care of jobs of desktop publishers which consists of the production side of the design. Such designers make use of desktop publishing software and certain methodology to achieve their customer’s objectives. Most of the times desktop publishers are typically not graphic designers.
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Initially, desktop publishing was taken into consideration a mechanical procedure and also concentrated towards production, a lesser activity than graphic design. It also consists of page layout design, pagination, production requirements, and all other technical elements related to page layout printing.
However, the graphic designer’s work additionally requires establishing a distinct procedure of thinking of original ideas as well as concepts. On the other hand, graphic designers are required to create a graphical interpretation as per the client’s requirements and brand name.

In case if you are looking for creating designs specific to your brand name, you would be requiring a graphic designer. Although graphic designer can be a bit pricey in several cases, it is proportional to the intricacy, experience along with time associated in creating unique and creative designs that are tailor-made as per your brand name which can influence your target market. In case if you have a brand, template created by a designer which also requires the desktop publishing process to achieve your brand name objectives, then a desktop publisher would be required.
So, the next time you are interviewing any individual, make sure to ask, “Are you a designer or a desktop publisher”. And if they are no able to answer the query, possibilities are that they are not designers or publishers or don’t understand the difference between the two. To understand both, join GDI which is one of the best Graphic Design Training Institute in Delhi, which offer graphic design courses. Their graphic design classes are the best as they are imparted by professionals along with 100% job placement support.