Some twenty years back we were amazed by the fact that how computers and the internet has changed the way we used to look at the things and just when we thought the technology has reached to its peak height, we were also aware that this is the beginning of the digital revolution.
In the past few years, technology has brought a drastic change in how we communicate with others, the way of our work and most importantly how we socialize. And in this digital revolution we saw the rise of the graphic industry.
From the hotel industry to hospitals, from a giant conglomerate like Hindustan Unilever to new start-up organisations, all are focusing on how they can reach to masses and they all have found their answers in these – Graphic design and Social media.
With such continuous rise, the career opportunities in this dynamic field has also evolved. People are looking out for more offbeat courses in the graphic designing as companies are giving special emphasis on the candidates that can offer them the “perfect amalgamation of creativity, technology and right graphic with right content”.
To understand the basics of this industry, get your hands-on graphic software that are used by prominent professionals of the industry.
To begin with you can start with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe’s Flagship project that took them to other heights. Photoshop has evolved from a basic editing tool to a leading software that dictates the designing industry.
Whether you are an experienced designer or starting your career in graphic design, you must be aware with the importance of Adobe Photoshop in this industry. To master the same you need join the best Adobe Photoshop Classes which provides Photoshop training by experts.
This raster-based application has been an image editing software for the industry since its inception and not only image editing you can also create web templates mock-ups, logos web banners and graphics too!
Well, you can call it a complete powerful and comprehensive software with which you can make your work way too easier.
Just like other software and application it also has some features that usually get ignored by us. I have curated a list of a few things that you should keep in your mind if you want to excel your skills in photoshop.
Let’s have a look over them:
- Adjustment Layers

The most important thing to consider in photoshop is that it offers non-destructive editing. With adjustment layers, you can edit your images in the professional way without even altering the actual image.
You can get adjustment layer in the layers panel, just look for the icon that is half-white and half-black circle. That is your adjustment layer icon.
Make sure you save your file in TIFF/ PSD format and not in JPEG because it does not support layers and will make your image look flat.
2. Layers and Layer Panel

There was a sudden shift to Photoshop from primitive paint tools and the reason behind that was the Layer Palette that it offers to its users. With this feature things became quite simple and easy.
You can now choose the part of the design you want to work with and with this you can also limit your area and focus on what actually requires your attention.
Each and every edit you make should be on different layers so that you can make adjustments to the edits later, reduce their opacity or remove them entirely by hiding or deleting it.
Layer panel also offers you masking option.
You will get opacity and fill option to control the transparency of the layer. Then there are layer styles for you to bring the inner creative child.
3. Presets

Presets are the additional or you can say bonus you get with the application.
You can save your time by using these presets. Of course, you can create things on your own but using preset won’t cause any harm too!
You can use no. of built in presets that are available for shapes, brushes and even for pattern and texture also.
4. Layer Masking

Relate the word mask with layer masking and I’m sure you must have got an idea what masking can be about.
Masking changed the way Photoshop was used. As we use mark to cover or face likewise the layer mask is used to cover or uncover the object.
This feature lets you control the transparency of the layer. Masking also allow you to do a Non-Destructive Editing.
5. Blending Modes

Blending modes work by affecting pixels of the image. With blending tools, you can easily control the way above layer interacts with the lower one.
The famous digital artist and photographer Emi Haze says,
“ I often use Blend Modes – Multiply, Overlay, Soft Light – to obtain peculiar effects in the combination of different layers and textures, like double exposures. The blending allows me to combine in the best way different elements, colors and images in a single work, creating shape and color compositions beyond imagination”
Photoshop offers you 19 blending modes to experiment with. You can bring a major change in your design just by applying a right blending mode.
6. Retouching Tools

Okay, now comes the most important part of photoshop, the image manipulation.
Photoshop comes with so many retouching tools that you can try on.
There’s a palette of retouching tools that include – dodge and burn tool, spot healing brush tool, healing brush tool, blur and sharpen tools and others.
7. Histogram

Histogram control and shows the tonal range of the image. It is used to check the exposure of the image.
If the pixels are weighted more towards the left of the graph it shows that your image is underexposed or If they’re weighted more towards the right side, the image may be overexposed.
8. Workspace Customization

Every artist needs a different workspace. It is not necessary that you must use every tool in every design.
For that you can customize your workspace or can choose from what Photoshop has to offer.
Suppose, if you are working on retouching, you can choose a photography workspace for that. In that you will get all the essential tools at one place.
You can reset the workspace once you complete your work.
9. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are not new for a designer but they still find trouble in remembering them.
It is important to memorize the shortcut of the tools you use the most. It will help you to become more effective and efficient.
As Milton Glaser said,
“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”
To achieve that WOW factor in your design, the only thing you have to do is Practice. This is the last thing that you need if you want to master photoshop. Without it you won’t be able to excel in any of the above points.
Each skill wants attention, dedication and full efforts. You can’t master Photoshop in a day and that’s totally fine!
Give that time to yourself and to software also to understand its basic details.
Skills in Photoshop definitely help you to get a competitive edge over others who don’t know how to use this software. Our institute is considered as the Best Photoshop Institute in Rohini as it offers the Photoshop Certificate Course in Delhi with exclusive content.
The Dynamic Software will make you a designer with diverse skills. These are the few things that I have shared with you, if you find anything more do share it with us also.
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